
Forest City Brewery – Swing Time Big Band with Ava Preston ©2024 LimocoPhotography

Before the Dance:

  • Start in the right mindset:
    Be positive and approachable. Be ready to ask for dances and open to dancing with others.
  • Bring appropriate footwear:
    Take a clean pair of indoor shoes to change into before dancing, to avoid tracking in dirt or water onto the dance floor.
  • Bring a towel/additional change of clothing:
    It is a good idea to occasional dry off with a towel or to freshen yourself up with a change of shirts as needed.

Code of Conduct

Swing dancing is all about embracing joy, connection, and self-expression through movement. To ensure everyone feels safe and welcome, the Cleveland swing dance community upholds a strong code of conduct that applies to all events, classes, and interactions within our community.

Core Values:

Respect: Treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, body size, or dance experience.

Consent: All interactions, including dancing, must be based on enthusiastic and expressed consent.

Safety: We prioritize the physical and emotional safety of all community members.

Inclusivity: We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone to learn, grow, and enjoy swing dancing.


Communicate clearly: Leaders, use clear and gentle cues. Followers, voice your needs and discomfort to your partner.
Respect personal space: Maintain a comfortable distance while dancing, respecting individual boundaries.
Practice good hygiene: Be mindful of personal hygiene, especially in close-quarters dancing situations.
Ask before leading: Always ask someone to dance before grabbing their hand or assuming they want to join you.
Be aware of your surroundings: Keep an eye out for others. Dance defensively on a crowded floor. No aerials on a social dance floor.
Thank your partner: Show appreciation after each dance with a genuine “thank you” or compliment.
Show your appreciation to the band an dj’s: It is good practice to clap for the band after each song or clap/thank your DJ’s after they finish a set.
Support the venue: Perhaps buy a drink or some food at the venue, or maybe post about the venue on social media.
Report misconduct: If you witness or experience inappropriate behavior, inform organizers immediately.


Pressure anyone to dance: Respect the right of others to decline a dance without explanation.
Dominate or force moves: Swing dancing is a partnership, prioritize your partner’s comfort and safety.
Monopolize partners: It’s okay to dance with the same person, but give others a chance too.
Make unwelcome comments or physical contact: Harassment, discrimination, and sexualization are strictly prohibited.
Engage in aggressive or unsafe behavior: This includes throws, drops, or moves your partner hasn’t agreed to.
Use drugs or alcohol excessively: Arrive sober and be mindful of your consumption to maintain awareness and safety.
Force a lesson: Unless asked or your partner is doing something unsafe, do not teach a lesson in the middle of a dance.

Personal Safety:

Stay vigilant: Trust your instincts if something feels wrong.
Feel empowered to say no: You have the right to decline a dance or interaction at any time.
Inform organizers about concerns: Don’t hesitate to report any incidents or uncomfortable situations to event organizers.

Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive swing dance community where everyone feels safe, respected, and welcome.

By following this code of conduct, you contribute to a positive and respectful environment for everyone to enjoy the joy of swing dancing. Don’t hesitate to reach out to organizers if you have any questions or concerns.